Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: December 2006

We must all act… before it's too late to act at all.

Monday, December 18, 2006
Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the world's scientists are right (and they are -the facts are not open to argument) we have just ten years to prevent a major catastrophe that, among other awful things, involves extinct animal species and extreme weather. We'll witness decreasing glaciers, spreading deserts, hurricanes getting bigger and more extreme, floods, and epidemics and killer heat waves, beyond anything we have ever experienced - a catastrophe of our own making.
Al Gore has traveled the world with "a Global Warming Show", laying out the facts of global warming and proving that we must confront global warming now or face the devastating consequences...
You can choose to ignore the facts and continue as before, or you can recognize an Inconvenient Truth!!! We must all act… before it's too late to act at all.

Day fourteen - home alone!

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Is there anything better than returning home after a long day? I had a terrific day at work, but everything that happened between 17 (when I left work) and 20.15 (when I returned home) was annoying, frustrating, stressful and something I could definitely have done without. Anyway, back home I cheered up... Face mask, magazines, calender-light, Ferrero Rochers, a Christmas card from the letterbox and the TV on, yes, I think the rest of this day will be just perfect...

Day thirteen - time out!! Feeling down...

Ear plugs, Ipod, "sleeping-glasses" and napping in the Rolls Royce...

Day twelve - I think I like them shoes ;o)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I had a small errand in the centre after work today... I also had just enough time to buy a skirt, a shirt and fall in love with a pair of shoes... They were the very last pair in my size in all of Copenhagen, or was it Scandinavia?? Anyway, so the assistant said. Furthermore he told me, that they had just gotten to the shop a week ago, and that they had flown off the shelves. They always say that, and no wonder, because why, oh why does it make the shoes sooo much more interesting...? Should I get them???

Day eleven - rice porridge in bed, uhmmm...

Last year in December we (boyfriend and I) discovered a new ready-prepared dish in the supermarket -rice porridge!! And it was good! Just as good as the cold milk dish, that you can buy in the supermarket only during summer. When summer is over you've normally had so much of the cold milk dish, that you don't miss it, until you much to your surprise spot it back on the shelves again the following year. It's the same with rice porridge (and crawling pixies, pepper cookies, glögg and much more). The first portion is normally the best!
We just had our first portion of ready prepared rice porridge yesterday evening... Eating it in the Rolls Royce (the bed) watching 24 hours with our all time hero, Jack Bauer, it was better than ever... uhmm...

Day ten - Shopping with boyfriend

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Spending Sunday afternoon in Lyngby shopping centre shopping with my boyfriend. I'm so glad he volunteered to join me. I planned going shopping for weeks, so that I can look smart when I have to go shopping in Paris ;o) No, not really, okay maybe a little bit, but lately I also sold a lot of my clothes on Trendsales, and decided to buy myself some Christmas presents, since I'm not celebrating Christmas this year, not traditionally anyway...
I was fatigued/exhausted to the point of collapse (I looked that up to find the most dramatic word for being exhausted). Friday Christmas party, dancing in high heels quite a few hours, Saturday hangover and sporting activities for many hours, and Sunday shopping in a huge shopping centre, also for many hours... Just before closing time, full of bags, sacks and totally weak and hungry, we got lost. We went through the whole centre and ended up where we started, only to discover, that we were actually not lost to start with...
Sunday is hanging-out-with boyfriend-day, and I have a good time shopping in a packed shopping centre as well as watching films and eating pizza in the Rolls Royce (the bed).

Day nine - Hovesans active birthday

Four hungover girls and a very energetic Hovesan met Saturday morning... well around 12 o clock, but still... After having filled ourselves with food, coffee, liquids, and painkilling drugs the activities for the day were finally revealed. Two teams (blonds versus brunettes) had to compete in four different sporting activities... first pool, next badminton, then football and finally bowling, not to mention the bike trip from one place to another. Phew.... Just the thought made me feel even more hungover.
By turns we felt sick during the day, someone even threw up a few times -not me, but it turned out to be the BEST day!!! It was amazing to discover how we got so keen on winning each competition, that we actually forgot about headaches and instead developed yet undiscovered strength. Especially the football match was rough, mostly because we laughed us through the whole match!!!
At 7 pm the competition finished and Hovesan choose us all to be winners, almost entirely for carrying through. Thanks to Hovesan for having planned the day and to her great friends for fighting ;o)

Day eight - pimping up the flat for Christmas

Friday I went on my bike through half of Copenhagen in rain and storm to bring my first Christmas decoration SAFE home... And here it is:

Furthermore my boyfriend (as mentioned) gives me Advent-presents every day in December, and among other things, I have received quite a few sweet little Christmas-things to decorate the Christmas-tree with. Since we don't have a Christmas-tree, I have decorated my olive tree, which has so good conditions here, that it represents a dignified Christmas-tree...

It's officially Christmas at Nørrebro...

Day seven - Free food, free movie and Cute Law

Thursday I got free tickets (with tapas and wine) for the romantic Christmas film "The Holiday". Sometimes the best and most relaxing thing to do a cold winter-evening, is being entertained by a movie in the darkness.
"The Holiday" was entirely predictable, but funny, sweet and they all lived happily ever after... and then of course it had Jude Law (or Cute law, which Hovesan and I have deservedly pet named him....). To document the evening, I decided to be very embarrassing and teenage-like and take a photo of Law. So here he is, enjoy and go see....

Day six - Money CAN buy happiness...

Wednesday, December 6, 2006
... at least for a short while, and particularly when the money is spent on new clothes and shoes.
I love shopping! Well, not the actual shopping-part, in fact I hate that, and I find it very exhausting, stressful and nerve-racking in many ways, but I love wearing new clothes and shoes for the first time. However, it makes me feel guilty to spend money on that, and to get rid of my guilty conscience, I do as many like-minded girls - I hide my latest buys in the closet for at least a week, and then, when I decide to wear it after 14 days, I can honestly answer, if asked; "No, it's not new"... and suddenly my feeling of guilt is vanished like dew before the sun... strange, but effective!
Buying new clothes is like falling in love. In the beginning you want to wear it on a daily basis, you feel beautiful and happy, but after a while, you discover that it wasn't that interesting after all and certainly not flawless, and wearing it makes you feel unattractive more than beautiful, so you start looking after new and more attractive clothes, which will make you feel happy and beautiful again, and this time (you're convinced) it's forever... it's one of the great classics, we're all looking for.
But why even bother spending energy and money buying new clothes if it's nothing but a superficial flirt?? Because happiness is diffuse anyway, so why not give ourselves those extra happy days or hours, where wearing new clothes make us feel soooo happy and beautiful...
My next buy??? Maybe one of the pairs below, though in my imagination I have already worn both pairs so much, that I'm already looking for a nicer pair.....

Day five - My diary, a walk down memory lane

Tuesday, December 5, 2006
10 years ago my friend (Hovesan) and I backpacked our way through (well, probably around in circles more than through) the Far East. It must have been one of the most disorganized and illogical routes ever seen, planned after impulsive actions only. But it was fantastic. We decided to keep a diary, and what a great idea (apart from Hovesan, who had not only her diary stolen, but also many wasted hours of neat writing the diary, which she will never get back). Anyway... Today I accidentally fell over my diary and started reading, and I was shocked to realize how much from the trip, I have forgotten. There were places, adventures, names and addresses from people I could not remember. It was such a good laugh walking down memory (or should I say senile) lane. But also frightening to realize how many great, funny and strange things I have experienced through my life until now, without actually being able to remember them anymore, unless of course, I have kept a diary to help my poor memory.
I must remember to read my diary for Hovesan (the only person in this World, apart from me, who can be interested in reading my diary), so that she can get back some of these fantastic and stolen memories...

Day four - What makes my day?

Monday, December 4, 2006
Monday I got a free ticket to Busta Rhymes. Since I've seen everything from techno to crooning this year -but no hip-hop, I was looking forward to adding this genre to my "well-assorted" concert-calendar from 2006.
In short I spent two hours of heavy passive smoking including quite a few spliffs, while listening to Busta and his partner making bad jokes, and mime-shows with Busta's dick, which apparently wanted to fuck some danish bitches and make a Busta-baby. Apart from that, there was more talk than actual music, and all "songs" were interrupted by Busta (or his dick) after approx. 15 seconds, encouraging us to "Make some noise" or to clap or scream...
SO!!! What actually made my day, was the decision to leave, just in time to return home for "24 hours" and action hero Jack Bauer... Love that show!

Day two and three - What makes my day?

Sunday, December 3, 2006
For the first time ever, I was baby-sitting my two nieces, who normally live in Jutland (or Denmark as they would put it). 24 hours of driving in the bus, visiting Tivoli, watching cartoons, talking about Santa Claus (oh yes, he's still alive), checking out new playgrounds, performing (them, not us), eating sweets (them, and us), AND getting up very early in the morning, is a hard and stressful job for two adults, normally living an egoistic and outgoing teenage kind of life.... BUT also so much fun! Watching and experiencing the World through children's eyes, and listening to their remarks on what they experience is both insightful and good fun...

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Day one - What makes my day?

Before posting my very first challenge, I decided to spy on my friends blog (Hovesan) to see, what made her day. And I must admit I was in a state of shock to discover, that a picture of this challenge may already be painted... Ben & Jerry's icecream made her day. And what made my day? 24 Ferrero Rochers and a chocolate turtle!! Well... it's no secret that we both have a weak spot for sweets, and over the years we have unscrupulous tempted each other into consuming more sweets, than I can and will keep track of. Fortunateley everyone knows, that as long as you commit your sins with someone else, it's not fattening...
Having said all this, I should not forget to tell, that the real reason why the 24 Ferrero Rochers and the chocolate turtle made my day, is that it was the first of 24 Advent-presents from my wonderful boyfriend. It could have been anything really, but the fact that he surprised me and made the effort to find 24 presents for me, is what really made my day. So... from now, there will almost be (at least) two things that make me happy every day in December....