Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day ten - Shopping with boyfriend

Day ten - Shopping with boyfriend

Spending Sunday afternoon in Lyngby shopping centre shopping with my boyfriend. I'm so glad he volunteered to join me. I planned going shopping for weeks, so that I can look smart when I have to go shopping in Paris ;o) No, not really, okay maybe a little bit, but lately I also sold a lot of my clothes on Trendsales, and decided to buy myself some Christmas presents, since I'm not celebrating Christmas this year, not traditionally anyway...
I was fatigued/exhausted to the point of collapse (I looked that up to find the most dramatic word for being exhausted). Friday Christmas party, dancing in high heels quite a few hours, Saturday hangover and sporting activities for many hours, and Sunday shopping in a huge shopping centre, also for many hours... Just before closing time, full of bags, sacks and totally weak and hungry, we got lost. We went through the whole centre and ended up where we started, only to discover, that we were actually not lost to start with...
Sunday is hanging-out-with boyfriend-day, and I have a good time shopping in a packed shopping centre as well as watching films and eating pizza in the Rolls Royce (the bed).

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