Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day one - What makes my day?

Day one - What makes my day?

Before posting my very first challenge, I decided to spy on my friends blog (Hovesan) to see, what made her day. And I must admit I was in a state of shock to discover, that a picture of this challenge may already be painted... Ben & Jerry's icecream made her day. And what made my day? 24 Ferrero Rochers and a chocolate turtle!! Well... it's no secret that we both have a weak spot for sweets, and over the years we have unscrupulous tempted each other into consuming more sweets, than I can and will keep track of. Fortunateley everyone knows, that as long as you commit your sins with someone else, it's not fattening...
Having said all this, I should not forget to tell, that the real reason why the 24 Ferrero Rochers and the chocolate turtle made my day, is that it was the first of 24 Advent-presents from my wonderful boyfriend. It could have been anything really, but the fact that he surprised me and made the effort to find 24 presents for me, is what really made my day. So... from now, there will almost be (at least) two things that make me happy every day in December....
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