Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day five - My diary, a walk down memory lane

Day five - My diary, a walk down memory lane

10 years ago my friend (Hovesan) and I backpacked our way through (well, probably around in circles more than through) the Far East. It must have been one of the most disorganized and illogical routes ever seen, planned after impulsive actions only. But it was fantastic. We decided to keep a diary, and what a great idea (apart from Hovesan, who had not only her diary stolen, but also many wasted hours of neat writing the diary, which she will never get back). Anyway... Today I accidentally fell over my diary and started reading, and I was shocked to realize how much from the trip, I have forgotten. There were places, adventures, names and addresses from people I could not remember. It was such a good laugh walking down memory (or should I say senile) lane. But also frightening to realize how many great, funny and strange things I have experienced through my life until now, without actually being able to remember them anymore, unless of course, I have kept a diary to help my poor memory.
I must remember to read my diary for Hovesan (the only person in this World, apart from me, who can be interested in reading my diary), so that she can get back some of these fantastic and stolen memories...

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At 06 December, 2006 01:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hovesan is ready for some story telling from the gooood old exotic days! and I am certain that I AM amused;-)
I bring Ben&Jerry selection.


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