Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day six - Money CAN buy happiness...

Day six - Money CAN buy happiness...

... at least for a short while, and particularly when the money is spent on new clothes and shoes.
I love shopping! Well, not the actual shopping-part, in fact I hate that, and I find it very exhausting, stressful and nerve-racking in many ways, but I love wearing new clothes and shoes for the first time. However, it makes me feel guilty to spend money on that, and to get rid of my guilty conscience, I do as many like-minded girls - I hide my latest buys in the closet for at least a week, and then, when I decide to wear it after 14 days, I can honestly answer, if asked; "No, it's not new"... and suddenly my feeling of guilt is vanished like dew before the sun... strange, but effective!
Buying new clothes is like falling in love. In the beginning you want to wear it on a daily basis, you feel beautiful and happy, but after a while, you discover that it wasn't that interesting after all and certainly not flawless, and wearing it makes you feel unattractive more than beautiful, so you start looking after new and more attractive clothes, which will make you feel happy and beautiful again, and this time (you're convinced) it's forever... it's one of the great classics, we're all looking for.
But why even bother spending energy and money buying new clothes if it's nothing but a superficial flirt?? Because happiness is diffuse anyway, so why not give ourselves those extra happy days or hours, where wearing new clothes make us feel soooo happy and beautiful...
My next buy??? Maybe one of the pairs below, though in my imagination I have already worn both pairs so much, that I'm already looking for a nicer pair.....

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At 07 December, 2006 06:26, Anonymous Anonymous said...

very philosofic Dex, however if I were your boyfriend I think I would feel somewhat stupid. But mostly because "sandheden er ilde hørt"

At 07 December, 2006 06:56, Blogger Dex Dexter said...

Miss Hovesan, did it ever occur to you, that my boyfriend falls into the category: "one of the great classics, we're all looking for", that I described? And my wardrobe actually counts in a few items, that I have had for decades... So he shouldn't feel stupid at all ;o)
Love from Dex


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