Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day nine - Hovesans active birthday

Day nine - Hovesans active birthday

Four hungover girls and a very energetic Hovesan met Saturday morning... well around 12 o clock, but still... After having filled ourselves with food, coffee, liquids, and painkilling drugs the activities for the day were finally revealed. Two teams (blonds versus brunettes) had to compete in four different sporting activities... first pool, next badminton, then football and finally bowling, not to mention the bike trip from one place to another. Phew.... Just the thought made me feel even more hungover.
By turns we felt sick during the day, someone even threw up a few times -not me, but it turned out to be the BEST day!!! It was amazing to discover how we got so keen on winning each competition, that we actually forgot about headaches and instead developed yet undiscovered strength. Especially the football match was rough, mostly because we laughed us through the whole match!!!
At 7 pm the competition finished and Hovesan choose us all to be winners, almost entirely for carrying through. Thanks to Hovesan for having planned the day and to her great friends for fighting ;o)

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