Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day two and three - What makes my day?

Day two and three - What makes my day?

For the first time ever, I was baby-sitting my two nieces, who normally live in Jutland (or Denmark as they would put it). 24 hours of driving in the bus, visiting Tivoli, watching cartoons, talking about Santa Claus (oh yes, he's still alive), checking out new playgrounds, performing (them, not us), eating sweets (them, and us), AND getting up very early in the morning, is a hard and stressful job for two adults, normally living an egoistic and outgoing teenage kind of life.... BUT also so much fun! Watching and experiencing the World through children's eyes, and listening to their remarks on what they experience is both insightful and good fun...
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At 03 December, 2006 11:03, Blogger Hovesan said...

hehe yes and now we know that some trolds cannot pee.


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