Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: R.I.P.



This is so sad... The talented and handsome actor Heath Ledger has passed away only 28 years old. It is believed he died of a drug overdose or suicide. Apparently he suffered from depression and was a substance abuser. This really makes me wonder, why there is so many drug-related deaths in Holywood? Less than a week ago the actor Brad Renfro (known among others from Sleepers and The jacket) died from an overdoze, Ike Turned overdozed a month ago, my favourite comedian Owen Wilson attempted suicide in August (he is also a drug-addict and suffers from depression), and almost a year ago Anna Nicole Smith died from an overdoze of Sleeping Medication. Rapper Pimp C is just one of a couple of american rappers, that suffered drug-related deaths within the last year, Kurt Cobain comitted suicide in the 90'es (on my Birthday actually), and Michael Hutchence and his girlfrind Paula Yates both died within a year in consequence of drug-addictions and depressions.

Lately the press has written Britneys obituary just in case, and stars like Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss, Pete Doherty, Robert Downey Jr., Kelly and Jack Osbourne and Amy Winehouse are all well known for their drug adddictions and countless of stays at rehad facilities.

What goes wrong, is celebrity life really that unbearable? Are many artists just sensitive people and therefore a high-risk group? Do they soothe their depressions with alcohol and drugs, or in contrary, do they get suicidal from the drug-abuse? Is the massive pressure from a life in public, with complete surveillance from paparazzies and the public, too much for most people to handle? Are the drugs (too) common and easy to access in the celeb environment? Is it the lonely life of a star, where everybody wants a piece of you, no one can be trusted and your "friends" will rat out on you and reveal obscene details from your private life to make some fast money? Is it a lifestyle with too much money, where everything is achievable and available, but nothing is ever enough anymore? Well, I don't know... but I fear for the next death of a Hollywood star, and it will happen!

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