Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day fourteen - home alone!

Day fourteen - home alone!

Is there anything better than returning home after a long day? I had a terrific day at work, but everything that happened between 17 (when I left work) and 20.15 (when I returned home) was annoying, frustrating, stressful and something I could definitely have done without. Anyway, back home I cheered up... Face mask, magazines, calender-light, Ferrero Rochers, a Christmas card from the letterbox and the TV on, yes, I think the rest of this day will be just perfect...

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At 15 December, 2006 14:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor dex dexter, life in the streets (to and from work) can be tough...but not so tough that chokolate cannot fix it! if that isn't enough I can recommend doublechokolate mudslide cookies, a thick layer of peanutbutter on toasted bread or blueberry pancakes. oh my Gooood;-)


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