Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: In Memory of Heath Ledger

In Memory of Heath Ledger

The death of Heath Ledger one week ago, has really had a deep impact on me. It is very difficult for me to handle death in general, but when it comes to young people dying all of a sudden, I find life very unfair, and it is almost impossible to try to justify something like that. It doesn't help, when it's someone as cute and talented as Heath! The funny thing is, I know much more about Heath now, than before he died, after having read several of touching tributes to the deceased actor (I guess it is true, that in order to achieve full recognition as an artist, you have to die). I also watched quite a few interviews with him, and he seemed like such a fine, creative and thoughtful person (I admit, it's getting out of hand, because I also dreamt of him several of times lately, and after reading a touching obituary, I also cried a few tears).
I just cannot comprehend, that there will never ever be another Heath, or anyone else that dies for that matter. We are all unique, which is why every life is so precious, and which is why it's so not fair, when someone is "missing out on" half a life, not to mention the surviving relatives, who have to live with the grief for the rest of their lives...
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