Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Day eleven - rice porridge in bed, uhmmm...

Day eleven - rice porridge in bed, uhmmm...

Last year in December we (boyfriend and I) discovered a new ready-prepared dish in the supermarket -rice porridge!! And it was good! Just as good as the cold milk dish, that you can buy in the supermarket only during summer. When summer is over you've normally had so much of the cold milk dish, that you don't miss it, until you much to your surprise spot it back on the shelves again the following year. It's the same with rice porridge (and crawling pixies, pepper cookies, glögg and much more). The first portion is normally the best!
We just had our first portion of ready prepared rice porridge yesterday evening... Eating it in the Rolls Royce (the bed) watching 24 hours with our all time hero, Jack Bauer, it was better than ever... uhmm...

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