Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: July 2007

Dex Dexter's Quote of the Day

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Spending Saturday afternoon in a Spa

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Recently I got two gift vouchers for a Spa and of course I invited my B.F.F Hovesan to join me. I definiteley want to spend more days nursing myself in the future...

The cat pretty much shows how relaxed we felt

The pool was cold, but worked as intended as we went from sauna to pool to steam bath to pool. Cold/warm showers is supposed to be soooo healthy and detoxing. Honestly I prefer something in between, but I sure felt healthy...

Uhmmm 1 hour of massage. The girl had marvellous hands... I wanted to take them home with me...

Don't forget your swimwear, just don't. Since we were all alone, we had fun picking the worst looking outfits -less fun when people started arriving one hour later! You cannot really hide wearing as little as that.

Hovesan -doinn synchronous swimming (alone!)

Champagne and fresh fruit goes hand in hand with outdoor bubble bath

My weekend in Gilleleje...

Fix You

Friday, July 20, 2007

I wonder what was on Chris Martin's mind, the day he wrote "Fix You". He must have been sad. I guess we can all relate to so many songs, when we go through certain difficult stages of life. Here is most of the lyrics from "Fix You". I had to delete a thing or two, you cannot take lyrics from a song serious when you read it instead of actually listening to it, things like "ahhhh" and "Ohhh" looks all wrong and kind of laughable black on white...

When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

High up above or down below
When you too in love to let it go
If you never try you'll never know
Just watch and learn

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Dex Dexter's Quote of the Day

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nokia 6280 -Update....

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Well well... I have never... As you know, I have for a while fought with Nokia Mobile over my Nokia 6280 -a battle I had to loose regardless of the fact that I had a good case! BUT... today they called me and finally admitted, that they couldn't provide proof that the phone had water damage, which has been their argument for not repairing it so far. Not only will they now repair it, they have offered me a brand new phone. What can I say: Justice has been done!

The new Prozac...

Who needs Prozac or anything like that, when the Dancing Cadet can make you smile for several of hours? Watch those dancemoves, I say John T. is outdated!

Hello Candy, what can you do for me??

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Being on a diet these days (not so much this weekend though), I've recently read and learnt about food to understand it's function in a wider context, and I've discovered that food is not just to stop you from being hungry (for real or for fun). Feeding your body with lots of wrong things such as food filled with preservatives and additives, takes away (among other things) precious energy from your body. Also the body needs the different vitamins to function optimum... Anyway, I could write so much about this subject with my newly acquired knowledge, but I won't... for now. But in the future I'll ask the food, before stuffing it in my mouth: "What can you do for me?", and if the answer is absoulteley nothing, I'll try not to eat it...
That probably means goodbye to all the colourful candy pictured above...

Breaking my diet

Thursday I broke my diet drinking beer with a friend, that I haven't seen for such a long time. Once again I ended up at Wascator...


Thursday, July 12, 2007
Far-humor er en rigtig sjov hjemmeside, som jeg lige har opdaget og som vi sikkert er mange, der alt for godt kan nikke genkendende til. Tjek den ud. Først lige ef par definitioner af far-humor...

"Hvad er farhumor?
Du kender situationen. Teenageren har vennerne på besøg, og pludselig står han dér. Far! Der breder sig en sær, ulden stemning... og så sker det: Far skal være sjov! Han siger et ellerandet helt hen i vejret og alle - på nær far - krummer tæer. Men det er jo ikke kun teenagere, der udsættes for farhumor. Vi oplever den efterhånden i mangeforskellige sammenhænge: på tv og i radio, i reklamer og i film. Men trangen til at krumme tæerbliver ikke mindre af den grund.

Hvordan genkender du den ægte farhumor?
Det er vores opfattelse, at farhumoren træder ind der, hvor den sunde humor holder op. Det betyderdog ikke, at farhumoren ikke kan være ganske underholdende. Noget der i særdeleshed kendetgner den gode farhumor er gentagelsen. Det er ikke farhumor, hvis du ikke har hørt det mindst 50 gange før!¨

Er du i FARezonen?
Ofte starter farhumoren i det små. Man begynder i en ung alder at gøre grin med sin egen fars humor ved at bruge de kommentarer, man har med sig hjemmefra. Man gør det med et glimt i øjet, så modtageren ikke er det mindste i tvivl om, at man naturligvis gør det for sjov. Men det kan hurtigt ende med,at man glemmer "glimtet", og pludselig en dag er man selv FAR. Når man dertil er løbet kørt!"


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dear Ole_23
These "dunser", accompanied with lots of garniture (not to mention the almonds and the raisins we had before, under and after dinner), we finished tonight between the two TV-shows "Bil med stil" and "Ugly Betty"...

Dex Dexter's Quote of the Day

How to become a crisp and delicious little basilica

Monday, July 9, 2007

When I returned from my vacation yesterday, I found my (normally so crisp and bursting with health looking) basilica in fragile condition. It looked old, faint and worn out. I was ready to bin it but decided to give it lots of water instead...

...and look how well it recovered!!

Recently I've consulted various alternative therapists, and everything points in direction of one thing: If I don't take action now, I'll end up like my basilica, old, worn out and fainting like a flower, as Roxette sang decades ago... (I loved that song, little did I know, that it would be my cruel destiny years later). Anyway... to restore the balance in my body I've decided to start the recommended treatment, which basically means no sugar (inkl. fruit), wheat flour, alcohol, caffeine, pork, beef, milk products and pasta. In short, everything that I like. But no need to panic, I can have (actually it's highly recommended) lots of water, garlic and Aloe vera Juice...

I love juice, so that part didn't sound too bad, which is why I bought 5 litres of the Aloe vera juice all at once, only to discover, that it tastes like s***. OMG! But I'm willing to try, since I want to be the crisp and delicious little basilica.
I started today, but apparently I already had a few things that are no go's! Luckily it doesn't count, because I didn't know. Hee hee...
I'll let you know how it goes...

Extended weekend in a summercottage

Sunday, July 8, 2007

4 days in a summercottage. Relaxing, reading, eating, sleeping, playing games and watching a lot of ("E") television is the only right thing to do on rainy and windy days. For some reason, the food we ate was my favourite object when taking photos... The dog, however, did not fall into the food-category...

Dex Dexter's Quote of the Day

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Rain (wo)man

Monday, July 2, 2007

OMG! Never have I been as soaked from biking through town, as I was today. Even my underwear was wet. Only my favourite ballerina shoes ran clear of any water due to two plastic bags. Felt much nicer than rubber boots, but less practical (and not too cool looking either).
The weather forecasters had actually promised a fantastic summer (partly due to climatic change), but I guess the climatic changes haven't really gotten to Denmark yet, because not since June 1946 have we had this much rain in June. Actually we had just 1 mm. more rain in 2007 than in 1946. What a sad record! And it will continue... fortunateley we also had more sunshine in June than normally, I guess we must have some sort of climatic changes after all....

Trailer Park festival

After being hungover the entire Saturday, I was up for some fun Sunday. Went to Madeleines Madteater where the "Trailer Park festival" showed to be the perfect thing to do. Good music, good company, a couple of beers in the sun and lots of people-watching (I believe the dress code was unofficially the 80'ies, which is such a fun decade, when it come to fashion). Unfortunately the main attraction, Trentemøller, had cancelled, because he was offered to play at the christening of the royal family's little princess, which had taken place the same day.
He will be playing at VEGA in November where I got tickets, so I guess it was kinda okay...

Friday night fever

Going out with friend Friday night. Getting hammered having Cosmos and beers at Apparatet... Finding all the answers to the big questions in life. Regulating the salt balance with fries before going home.