Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: "DETOX-DUNSER"


Dear Ole_23
These "dunser", accompanied with lots of garniture (not to mention the almonds and the raisins we had before, under and after dinner), we finished tonight between the two TV-shows "Bil med stil" and "Ugly Betty"...
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At 11 July, 2007 16:01, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tak for dunser (absolutely non ugly)Betty! Godt nok havde vi pænt travlt med at køre detoxede dunser ned, men sig mig: Fik vi godt nok onduleret dette aldeles wunderbare måltid i løbet af bare een reklameblok??!!!??? ...hilsner Ole_23

At 12 July, 2007 00:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha, stort set ja! Du kom i det mindste lige fra din cross-trainings-maskine i fitnesscentret, hvad er min undskyldning??


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