Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Hello Candy, what can you do for me??

Hello Candy, what can you do for me??

Being on a diet these days (not so much this weekend though), I've recently read and learnt about food to understand it's function in a wider context, and I've discovered that food is not just to stop you from being hungry (for real or for fun). Feeding your body with lots of wrong things such as food filled with preservatives and additives, takes away (among other things) precious energy from your body. Also the body needs the different vitamins to function optimum... Anyway, I could write so much about this subject with my newly acquired knowledge, but I won't... for now. But in the future I'll ask the food, before stuffing it in my mouth: "What can you do for me?", and if the answer is absoulteley nothing, I'll try not to eat it...
That probably means goodbye to all the colourful candy pictured above...
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At 14 July, 2007 14:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totalt smukke fotos Betty, tænk at så mage kunstige farve- og smagsstoffer kan tage sig så æstetisk ud. World of candy ville være en helt anden og langt kedeligere uden den slags.

At 16 July, 2007 06:02, Blogger Hovesan said...

You got that all wrong, it should be: "don't ask what your candy can do for you but what you can do for your candy"

At 16 July, 2007 06:44, Blogger Dex Dexter said...

But what can I do for my Candy?? Apart from eating it and taking nice photos... And yes, amazing how anything that unhealthy can look so delicious and inviting.


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