Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Spending Saturday afternoon in a Spa

Spending Saturday afternoon in a Spa

Recently I got two gift vouchers for a Spa and of course I invited my B.F.F Hovesan to join me. I definiteley want to spend more days nursing myself in the future...

The cat pretty much shows how relaxed we felt

The pool was cold, but worked as intended as we went from sauna to pool to steam bath to pool. Cold/warm showers is supposed to be soooo healthy and detoxing. Honestly I prefer something in between, but I sure felt healthy...

Uhmmm 1 hour of massage. The girl had marvellous hands... I wanted to take them home with me...

Don't forget your swimwear, just don't. Since we were all alone, we had fun picking the worst looking outfits -less fun when people started arriving one hour later! You cannot really hide wearing as little as that.

Hovesan -doinn synchronous swimming (alone!)

Champagne and fresh fruit goes hand in hand with outdoor bubble bath

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