Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Rain (wo)man

Rain (wo)man

OMG! Never have I been as soaked from biking through town, as I was today. Even my underwear was wet. Only my favourite ballerina shoes ran clear of any water due to two plastic bags. Felt much nicer than rubber boots, but less practical (and not too cool looking either).
The weather forecasters had actually promised a fantastic summer (partly due to climatic change), but I guess the climatic changes haven't really gotten to Denmark yet, because not since June 1946 have we had this much rain in June. Actually we had just 1 mm. more rain in 2007 than in 1946. What a sad record! And it will continue... fortunateley we also had more sunshine in June than normally, I guess we must have some sort of climatic changes after all....
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