Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: June 2007

The IPHONE has landed...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Cool, I sure hope it has a long service -better than Nokia 6280, which should not be hard to surpass! Looks really nice... really, really nice... we need that mobile. Right now!

This is so cute

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My boyfriends little night-snack before bedtime...

Nokia 6280 has deceased. She was born with several of severe medical conditions, and throughout a year I have unsuccessfully fought with 3 Mobile and Nokia Mobile for help. Three weeks ago she suddenly fell seriously ill again and I admitted her to Nokias Care Center -the outcome was fatal! They simply denied to help her. The expenses should have been funded by their own insurance policy, but somehow they managed to get round the payment, due to an insignificant detail in the course of disease. Just like that... the worst thing is that she had many good years left in her...

The corpse has been sent to my (our) home and I'll make sure to give her a decent funeral... O.M.G. Why? WHY? WHY??!

I'm sorry it had to end like this. Thank you!

Dex Dexter's Quote of the Day

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Too much Sexyback!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Saturday was JT-day! Justin Timberlake played in Copenhagen. We were seven with tickets and we were all very excited. Unfortunately he did not meet our expectations to the full.
Well, of cause Justin is Justin, and he is the new King of Pop, but his top charts hits and his dance moves could not make up for the bad and hollow sound in the arena and the square-shaped scene in the middle. The consequence of the four-sided scene was that instead of being able to see him all along, 1/4 of the audience, no matter what way he turned, would "only" see his (sexy)back. And with giant screens in only two coners, you always had to turn your back to the stage, to actually see him. Furthermore there were too many unknown, silent (read: boring) songs, played on the piano...
However, the worst part was when Timberland DJ'ed for 30 min., which was a medley of songs, that he had produced for others. Max. 10 seconds of each song was played before he would interrupt saying: "Put your hands up in the air" or "Copenhagen make some noise". Reminded me of that horrible concert with Busta Rhymes last year... Why didn't they just announce 30 minutes break instead? Anyway... despite my negative review, it was definitely fun to see Justin live and he does have som funky hits as well and he sure knows how to shake his... sexyback!

Bananas before the concert... should prevent you from going to the toilet every 10 minutes... Didn't really work. Maybe there is a limit for how many beers one banana can actually keep in your body?

Weekend get-away

Friday, June 22, 2007

Last weekend I went to Majorca for three days with my job. I thought it would be too much time spent on transport, flying, and waiting in the airport by comparison with the limited time to actually enjoy the vacation, but I was wrong. Within three days I did everything, that I would normally want to do on a vacation; shopping, sightseeing, reading, relaxing by the pool, going to the beach, going out, and eating on nice restaurants... and I was totally relaxed doing it. No stress! Furthermore I came home after what felt like a week feeling fully charged and fight for fight (well... first I had to catch up with lack of sleep, since that was the only thing I didn't get much of).
I can totally recommend a small trip out of the country on long weekends.
However, it's worth considering that air travel is very polluting, and the more we're flying, the worse it gets...

"In 1993 alone, airports emitted 350 million pounds of carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere during landing and takeoff cycles. Passenger cars and buses entering and leaving airports and ground service vehicles only compound the problem".

My cute nieces...

Today my brother sent me some photos of my adorable two nieces, that I unfortunately see very rare, because of the distance. Last time I saw them was in the beginning of December, where I looked after them for a weekend. Since then they have grown a lot. The youngest (see below) has just started day care recently, and apparently it's very tiring....

The youngest with her big-sister and matching braids. The aunt (me) is touched... I miss them...

Justin beats previous records!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

When Justin Timberlake throws his concert in "Parken" in Copenhagen Saturday the 23rd of June, he will break records. Never before has "Parken" sold 53.000 tickets. In 1994 Pink Floyd's Attendance was 50.000 -the record back then!
I got tickets and I thing it'll be awesome!!!

Worst ever!!

Worst mobile ever :
Nokia 6280

Worst mobile operator ever:
3 mobile

Worst service ever experienced:
3 mobile.... close followed by Nokia

Most false advertising for a mobile ever:
When I got my Nokia 6280 through 3 mobile... What a joke!

Most bitter person right now

I heart Jerry Seinfelds Bee-outfit

Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday evening... having a "few" drinks!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

DAMN!! This is bad taste...

...but she's creative, I'll give her that!!
If her boyfriend is somewhere in the crowd, I bet he lies low, feeling somehow embarrassed!!

Out and about in CPH

Saturday, June 2, 2007

The other evening Hovesan and I kick started the outside bar life visiting a few outdoor bars in my neighborhood. We agreed to do another tour of "bike-bar-crawl around Copenhagen's beach/dock/harbor bars and joints" this summer. Once the weather is really good.
Above is Hovesan at Bodega enjoying a glass of whitewine a la Hovesan (with a slice of lime). Bodega has eveningsun until late, apart from that it's a great bar.

Copenhagen Distortion at Nørrebro.

Kaffesalonen. Another nice place to hang out during summer. The bar is built on the water and it has sun all day long...

Hovesan and Ole at Kaffesalonen...

Dogs -stille love them...

I'm crazy about dogs, I think I posted something about that earlier. Look at this cosy dog chilling on a bench on a warm day in New York with it's owner -one leg hanging from the bench! Cute...

In Brooklyn I passed a shelter for homeless dogs. They were either curious or very keen on contact with humans -maybe both. They all ran to the window looking at me with pleadingly big brown eyes, and with energetically wagging tails... I felt they tried to say to me: "Take me home". But that could just be my interpretation. Or maybe it was my own desire: "Come home with me" ... Anyway. If I should ever have a dog, I would do as Santa Angelina Jolie and adopt a homeless dog instead of, well, obviously not having my own, but having it from birth...

Canon G7 -My New Toy

In New York I got myself a new camera. Lots of money to save on stuff like that in the States.

First photo taken with my new camera. It's taken in B&H, where I got the camera. Reportedly the best and biggest place for electronics. Also VERY stressful and confusing. You have to know what you are going for, no time for guidance and testing several of cameras. Fortunately I knew exactly what I wanted...

Second photo with my new camera. The New Yorker, which was also pictured on the cover of my travelbook...

Infront of Madison Square Garden, where we went to watch New York Liberty vs. Chicago Sky... Quite an experience... "We" won ;o)

Bright lights, big city!

Friday, June 1, 2007

I wanted to make a post about New York, from where I just returned, but I'm too tired tonight after having been sitting in front of the computer all night working on different things. Anyway, what better way to watch a city than from the highest spot... Above photos are from Empire State Building...