Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Canon G7 -My New Toy

Canon G7 -My New Toy

In New York I got myself a new camera. Lots of money to save on stuff like that in the States.

First photo taken with my new camera. It's taken in B&H, where I got the camera. Reportedly the best and biggest place for electronics. Also VERY stressful and confusing. You have to know what you are going for, no time for guidance and testing several of cameras. Fortunately I knew exactly what I wanted...

Second photo with my new camera. The New Yorker, which was also pictured on the cover of my travelbook...

Infront of Madison Square Garden, where we went to watch New York Liberty vs. Chicago Sky... Quite an experience... "We" won ;o)
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