Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.

Nokia 6280 has deceased. She was born with several of severe medical conditions, and throughout a year I have unsuccessfully fought with 3 Mobile and Nokia Mobile for help. Three weeks ago she suddenly fell seriously ill again and I admitted her to Nokias Care Center -the outcome was fatal! They simply denied to help her. The expenses should have been funded by their own insurance policy, but somehow they managed to get round the payment, due to an insignificant detail in the course of disease. Just like that... the worst thing is that she had many good years left in her...

The corpse has been sent to my (our) home and I'll make sure to give her a decent funeral... O.M.G. Why? WHY? WHY??!

I'm sorry it had to end like this. Thank you!
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