Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Dogs -stille love them...

Dogs -stille love them...

I'm crazy about dogs, I think I posted something about that earlier. Look at this cosy dog chilling on a bench on a warm day in New York with it's owner -one leg hanging from the bench! Cute...

In Brooklyn I passed a shelter for homeless dogs. They were either curious or very keen on contact with humans -maybe both. They all ran to the window looking at me with pleadingly big brown eyes, and with energetically wagging tails... I felt they tried to say to me: "Take me home". But that could just be my interpretation. Or maybe it was my own desire: "Come home with me" ... Anyway. If I should ever have a dog, I would do as Santa Angelina Jolie and adopt a homeless dog instead of, well, obviously not having my own, but having it from birth...

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