Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Too much Sexyback!!

Too much Sexyback!!

Saturday was JT-day! Justin Timberlake played in Copenhagen. We were seven with tickets and we were all very excited. Unfortunately he did not meet our expectations to the full.
Well, of cause Justin is Justin, and he is the new King of Pop, but his top charts hits and his dance moves could not make up for the bad and hollow sound in the arena and the square-shaped scene in the middle. The consequence of the four-sided scene was that instead of being able to see him all along, 1/4 of the audience, no matter what way he turned, would "only" see his (sexy)back. And with giant screens in only two coners, you always had to turn your back to the stage, to actually see him. Furthermore there were too many unknown, silent (read: boring) songs, played on the piano...
However, the worst part was when Timberland DJ'ed for 30 min., which was a medley of songs, that he had produced for others. Max. 10 seconds of each song was played before he would interrupt saying: "Put your hands up in the air" or "Copenhagen make some noise". Reminded me of that horrible concert with Busta Rhymes last year... Why didn't they just announce 30 minutes break instead? Anyway... despite my negative review, it was definitely fun to see Justin live and he does have som funky hits as well and he sure knows how to shake his... sexyback!

Bananas before the concert... should prevent you from going to the toilet every 10 minutes... Didn't really work. Maybe there is a limit for how many beers one banana can actually keep in your body?
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