Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Weekend get-away

Weekend get-away

Last weekend I went to Majorca for three days with my job. I thought it would be too much time spent on transport, flying, and waiting in the airport by comparison with the limited time to actually enjoy the vacation, but I was wrong. Within three days I did everything, that I would normally want to do on a vacation; shopping, sightseeing, reading, relaxing by the pool, going to the beach, going out, and eating on nice restaurants... and I was totally relaxed doing it. No stress! Furthermore I came home after what felt like a week feeling fully charged and fight for fight (well... first I had to catch up with lack of sleep, since that was the only thing I didn't get much of).
I can totally recommend a small trip out of the country on long weekends.
However, it's worth considering that air travel is very polluting, and the more we're flying, the worse it gets...

"In 1993 alone, airports emitted 350 million pounds of carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere during landing and takeoff cycles. Passenger cars and buses entering and leaving airports and ground service vehicles only compound the problem".
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