Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: April 2007

Hulahop hulahop!! Not that easy...

Monday, April 30, 2007

What happened to the old days, where you would pick up a hulahop-ring, and spin it around your body, as if you were born to do it?? Recently I cleared my ceiling and found a hulahop-ring. I thought it would be good fun to use if for work-out, ha! Not very funny, when you bring together all your talents and effort, and only manage to spin it poor 7 rounds around your waist (and that was higest score)... However I must have been confident in my abilities to improve, cause I made a bet with my boyfriend (photo above... even worse than me, hehe) about being able to make at least 40 rounds before the 17th of May... And if I can do it not looking too stupid there's an extra bonus...

My Heritage - Face Recognition

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Okay, so I tried uploading a photo of me on "My heritage" tonight (the programme will scan your photo and compare you with famous people, that you are supposed to look alike). I was kind of hoping for Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson and Helena Christensen... well, my self-confidence was not going to be boosted tonight... apparently I looked like the following stars...

Haha... So I tried several of times with different photos until I was also compared with Courtney Cox, Gisele Bundschen, Natalie Imbruglia, Halle berry and.... damn it!! Liza Minelli again and again and again!!! Jeeeesus!!
Anyway, it's good fun but not very accurate... (I have to say that, since I really don't want to look like Liza Minelli -in that case the man on the photo below would be my boyfriend... sweet!)

Still celebrating my Birthday after 20 days!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

The 5th of April I turned 33. I celebrated my Birthday with my mother, her boyfriend and my boyfriend in a summer cottage in the north of Denmark. Very nice and relaxing. Ever since I've been kind of celebrated every time I see one of my friends.
Sunday I got the above present from Vibe (the nicest clay candle stick) and yesterday Hovesan gave me a fine lamp from R.O.O.M. and the most fantastic gingerbread woman full of sweets, that she had baked for me -delicious! I'm so sad I didn't think of taking a photo of it...
Anyway, I can totally recommend not celebrating your Birthday all at once, but instead spread it out over a month or two...

If it's good enough for our Prince, it's good enough for me

I know I'm too old for teddy bears, but this Australian Echidna makes me wish I wasn't. Check out »Gertie And Me« for more fun stuffed animals.
It is also rumoured that the Echidna is the danish Prince Christians first choice when it comes to teddy bears.

Dressed for Spring in Denmark

Sunday, April 22, 2007

It's me with the rubber boots... and one of my colleagues with the plastic bags on his feet when caught in heavy rain the other day...


Friday, April 20, 2007

Tonight I'm going out with a very special Friend of mine. We are celebrating our 33 years Birthdays. We've known each other since elementary school. We're going to eat dinner in a very local Iranian restaurant. I made the t-shirt above for her. Translated it says ¨"child squirrel and dad squirrel 4ever" (I'm the dad-squirrel -don't ask).

I love dogs...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I just love them... They are great to watch, because they have so many facial expressions and a funny body language (just like humans)... I have spent hours watching dogs (and humans), making stories in my mind about their actions and doings. I can especially recommend Christiania (the self-governing free town in Copenhagen) where there is extremely many mixed-breed dogs as a consequence of the dogs running freely around with no chains or dog collar.
Watch this video clip with a cute dog in the background. It doesn't do anything, it probably doesn't even get what is happening, and that's what so cute...

Ugly Dummies

Monday, April 16, 2007

Almost every day I pass these two charming dummies, and they kind of give me the creeps. I guess it's the combination of the hideous adult-clothing for kids, the colours, the fabric and the small blank faces of the dummies... not to mention the oldschool window display and the actual shop packed with... well, anything actually. I just don't get it, how can that attract customers? It effects my mood negative just passing by, so I cannot imagine how it would effect me going in... or even worse, working there... Funny thing is, it has been there for years and survived lots of much nicer stores, so they must be on to something!!!

Relaxing during the Easter holiday

Monday, April 9, 2007
Most of my Easter holiday I spent in Gilleleje in the Summer cottage. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, but it was quite cold. Nevertheless we defyed the weather and relaxed at the terrace a few hours after having consumed a large Easter lunch... Nice!

Spectacular Sunset

Unfortunately my mobile-camera is not too good, so I couldn't really capture the colours and the atmosphere from the Sunset the other day. But it was very heavy and picturesque...

Copenhagen Catwalk

Last week I went to watch a fashion show with some friends. The concept was something like "A fashion show for everyone -not just designers or people working with fashion".
It was all right... but we were not exactly overwhelmed. Afterwards we went for a drink at K Bar -very nice bar.