Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Still celebrating my Birthday after 20 days!!!

Still celebrating my Birthday after 20 days!!!

The 5th of April I turned 33. I celebrated my Birthday with my mother, her boyfriend and my boyfriend in a summer cottage in the north of Denmark. Very nice and relaxing. Ever since I've been kind of celebrated every time I see one of my friends.
Sunday I got the above present from Vibe (the nicest clay candle stick) and yesterday Hovesan gave me a fine lamp from R.O.O.M. and the most fantastic gingerbread woman full of sweets, that she had baked for me -delicious! I'm so sad I didn't think of taking a photo of it...
Anyway, I can totally recommend not celebrating your Birthday all at once, but instead spread it out over a month or two...
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