Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Hulahop hulahop!! Not that easy...

Hulahop hulahop!! Not that easy...

What happened to the old days, where you would pick up a hulahop-ring, and spin it around your body, as if you were born to do it?? Recently I cleared my ceiling and found a hulahop-ring. I thought it would be good fun to use if for work-out, ha! Not very funny, when you bring together all your talents and effort, and only manage to spin it poor 7 rounds around your waist (and that was higest score)... However I must have been confident in my abilities to improve, cause I made a bet with my boyfriend (photo above... even worse than me, hehe) about being able to make at least 40 rounds before the 17th of May... And if I can do it not looking too stupid there's an extra bonus...
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