Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: January 2007


Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Check it out...

Making myself popular by serving this brunch for hungover boyfriend

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Recently I made this brunch on a Sunday "morning"... I think it looks good... and it was.

Two hours in heaven...

Having a facial including a massage of head and neck, is like spending two hours in heaven. Everybody should treat themselves to that at least once a month. There is lots of money to save if you go to cosmetologists who are under education, often they pay much more attention to the details than professional cosmetologists.
I just wish cosmetologists would stop talking nonsense keeping people awake, when all you really need to relax is drifting somewhere between sleep and consciousness for a few hours...

OH! MY! F****** GOD!

Monday, January 29, 2007
I don't know who he is, but the name is Steve Erhardt and he spent thousands of Dollars on plastic surgery. I didn't see any "Before"-photos, but my wild guess is, that he looked much better before than after... What a waste of money....

It can't even smile... JESUS!

These days....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
These days I'm tending to a cat: katekismus. Who said cats don't have personality??? Okay, I did actually, but they are in fact both intelligent and have lots of personality... and this little darling is very affectionate without being pushy... There is something very relaxing and peaceful in spending time stroking the cat, just listening to it's purring.
I read in the newspaper yesterday, that people who have dogs, generally don't suffer from hypertension, and I think that must also be the case of cat-owners...

Inspired by Notre Dame in Paris (I went there for Christmas) I bought this Madonna-candle... Nice ;o) It's lit whenever I'm home at the moment...

One of my friends made this "thing"... She wants to put photos of people that means something special to her... I was very flattered to find myself hanging there as one of the first. She is such a sweetheart (and not just because she put me in her "thing".... okay, that sounded all wrong, but I cannot find an English word for it, anyway, she is great, very helpful and with such a big heart)

Sunday (apart from watching TV) I baked this bread... It's very difficult (or challenging, as positive people would put it) to bake in a gas oven, but the more complicated, the more reason to be proud of the result... though the bread was just a tiny bit dry.

There is big business going on in my basement. Like 7 eleven, I think they can live up to the slogan, "We have everything but closed".
"ÅBEN" means "OPEN" in English... make a wild guess...

The hardest part...

Monday, January 22, 2007
Normally I don't have cable television, but at the moment I do, and Sunday I couldn't resist any longer, so I zapped my way through Sunday, and I must admit it's mostly crap-TV. Or maybe it's just especially bad on Sundays... Anyway, I did watch a programme about Coldplay on MTV. I just seem never to get tired of them. There is something about their tune and sound, the lyrics, the charismatic Chris Martin, their concerts and now also the video: The hardest Part.
I never watched it before. It shows a man aged 24 dancing with an old lady at the age of 84. He throws around with this tiny and elastic old lady, who does the splits as I've never seen before, -I couldn't believe it... It was very liberating watching a different kind of video than the usually on MTV...

Find your personality type with the Enneagram

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Take a test and learn more about yourself and other people according to the Enneagram. It can among other things help you discover your passions and dreams and your recurrent issues in life. There is a lot to learn if you decide to dip into the 9 personality-types of the Enneagram...

Friday night -cinema and tapas

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday evening I had a date with my boyfriend after work. I got some free tickets for the new Denzel Washington thriller "Déjà vu", which is an absurd over-the-top movie about time travel, mad bombers and undying love at first sight. Since it's totally unrealistic and full of Hollywood clichés, it's almost unwillingly entertaining.... Anyway, it was free, and we had a good laugh about it for the rest of the evening.

Afterwards we went to the wine- and beer-bar Pegasus and had some nice wine and a fantastic mix of tapas... uhmmm. I love tapas.

When we finished there, we were not quite ready to go home yet, so we went to the beautiful Library Bar in the Plaza Hotel, which has live jazz every weekend from 21.30 until 00,30. The Library Bar has several of times been voted one of the best bars in the world, and not without reason. It's a small bar in a cosy environment of leather-bound shelves, red carpets, antique oil paintings, candles, and a piano -added a little live jazz, it's the perfect place for a chilled evening. I can really recommend it.

Visiting a good friend in Lyngby

Monday, January 8, 2007
Saturday evening I went to visit a good friend, who recently moved to Lyngby -a small city close to Copenhagen. I was lucky, another good friend stopped by in the afternoon for a cup of tea and chocolate (leftovers from December), and she offered to drive me to Lyngby -such a luxury if you don't have a car and normally have to take the train... In Lyngby my friend prepared a nice dinner with salmon and vegetables, and after that, we got down to business: wine and girl talk... just perfect.

... and later, when you start getting hungry again, there's nothing like rye bread and cheese...uhmm...

Boot/slippers... me like!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Look at these comfortable looking slippers... Wearing them would make my Saturdays sooo much more cosy ... They are made to be used on cosy Saturdays at home... I just have a strong feeling that my boyfriend would hate them and laugh of me all day long while wearing them. But they are half price now. Check out the sale on Asos Lots of good stuff ;o)

Satuday -my favourite day

There is nothing like Saturday, especially in the afternoon. You are rested from Friday (well, if you didn't go out and got totally hammered), and you know that you're off Sunday as well, which means you can sleep as long as you like, or can. Saturday is open to do anything... I love it. Even washing clothes and cleaning is not so bad on a Saturday afternoon, there is just something about that day, that makes it difficult not to be happy....
Today my Grandmother- and grandfather- "in-law" came for lunch. Very cosy... I wanted to take a photo of our well assorted lunch-table (we were very proud), but I forgot, and the left-overs were not that interesting.
They gave us a cactus and another plant (I forgot the name, something with onion)... That's another thing I love, when people give me flowers or similar, it's such a nice thought, and they really "pimp" up the flat, and I like to water and nurse my flowers as well... I just decided today over lunch, that my next project must be growing cress... Anyway, I'm chitchatting about nothing here... I have to pick up some laundry.
Here's a photo of my new babies ;o)

Paris -the city of cities

Thursday, January 4, 2007
I went to Paris for Christmas (not to celebrate Christmas actually), and it was great. I'll definitely go back some day, though there is several of other places in the World, that I dream of experiencing, before I actually will start to return to the same places again...
I mean, it may not be as nice as Paris, but on the other hand, it may be just as good or even better. Why, for instance, go to London 10 times (I think I already did), only to find out years later, that Rome, Paris, Mexico City or Barcelona is much better? So my plan is to pick a new place every time I go travelling...
Just for heaven's sake don't ask me to pick a new dish, when I get my pizza or Thai-food take-away every Sunday, because I know what I get, and I don't want to take the risk ordering something else, it may not be as good....
Well, here is some pics. from Paris... the city of cities (though it was not possible to find one single little, sinister, dirty joint to get a drink after midnight Christmas eve)... If I made up that "city of cities"-slogan, I would accordingly reconsider....

Eiffel-tower by day...

... by night.

Montmartre with Christmas lighting.

Red light district of Montmartre. That's why we got the hotel sooo cheap....

The 24th of December in Notre Dame.

The cafés are all just very cute...

Piano-bar in Montmartre. The man played all day long, while smoking, chatting and reading the newspaper... If you can do that, you know you're a talented player, impressive...

Still Piano-bar. Not a single spot of the wall or ceiling was blank. People had put letters, pictures, drawings and small notes everywhere.

Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I loooove french crepe!

Uhmmmmmmmmmm... I love french tapas. Cute little music- and wine-bar (Montmartre)

Pink shop... actually Montmartre again.

Me in front of cute door in cute street...