Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Satuday -my favourite day

Satuday -my favourite day

There is nothing like Saturday, especially in the afternoon. You are rested from Friday (well, if you didn't go out and got totally hammered), and you know that you're off Sunday as well, which means you can sleep as long as you like, or can. Saturday is open to do anything... I love it. Even washing clothes and cleaning is not so bad on a Saturday afternoon, there is just something about that day, that makes it difficult not to be happy....
Today my Grandmother- and grandfather- "in-law" came for lunch. Very cosy... I wanted to take a photo of our well assorted lunch-table (we were very proud), but I forgot, and the left-overs were not that interesting.
They gave us a cactus and another plant (I forgot the name, something with onion)... That's another thing I love, when people give me flowers or similar, it's such a nice thought, and they really "pimp" up the flat, and I like to water and nurse my flowers as well... I just decided today over lunch, that my next project must be growing cress... Anyway, I'm chitchatting about nothing here... I have to pick up some laundry.
Here's a photo of my new babies ;o)
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