Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: The hardest part...

The hardest part...

Normally I don't have cable television, but at the moment I do, and Sunday I couldn't resist any longer, so I zapped my way through Sunday, and I must admit it's mostly crap-TV. Or maybe it's just especially bad on Sundays... Anyway, I did watch a programme about Coldplay on MTV. I just seem never to get tired of them. There is something about their tune and sound, the lyrics, the charismatic Chris Martin, their concerts and now also the video: The hardest Part.
I never watched it before. It shows a man aged 24 dancing with an old lady at the age of 84. He throws around with this tiny and elastic old lady, who does the splits as I've never seen before, -I couldn't believe it... It was very liberating watching a different kind of video than the usually on MTV...

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