Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: These days....

These days....

These days I'm tending to a cat: katekismus. Who said cats don't have personality??? Okay, I did actually, but they are in fact both intelligent and have lots of personality... and this little darling is very affectionate without being pushy... There is something very relaxing and peaceful in spending time stroking the cat, just listening to it's purring.
I read in the newspaper yesterday, that people who have dogs, generally don't suffer from hypertension, and I think that must also be the case of cat-owners...

Inspired by Notre Dame in Paris (I went there for Christmas) I bought this Madonna-candle... Nice ;o) It's lit whenever I'm home at the moment...

One of my friends made this "thing"... She wants to put photos of people that means something special to her... I was very flattered to find myself hanging there as one of the first. She is such a sweetheart (and not just because she put me in her "thing".... okay, that sounded all wrong, but I cannot find an English word for it, anyway, she is great, very helpful and with such a big heart)

Sunday (apart from watching TV) I baked this bread... It's very difficult (or challenging, as positive people would put it) to bake in a gas oven, but the more complicated, the more reason to be proud of the result... though the bread was just a tiny bit dry.

There is big business going on in my basement. Like 7 eleven, I think they can live up to the slogan, "We have everything but closed".
"ÅBEN" means "OPEN" in English... make a wild guess...

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