Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: May 2007

Bambini -mama is here

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Recently I received this little tomato plant as a gift... It appeared small and weak and I didn't predict it a long future in my home... BUT! Not only did it grow strongly and survived eight hot days directly in the sun with no water, furthermore it has totally delivered the goods in the shape of small, green tomatoes!! Mama is so proud... and takes all the credit despite the fact, that I would SOOO have lost custody, if there were any vegetable social services...

What to pack?? Jesus!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Sex and the City"-chick or practical with flat shoes and jeans... Probably the latter... I hate packing... Well, I guess it's a luxury-problem, because all that matters right now is that I'M GOING TO NEW YORK!!!!

Thank you, was that so hard?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Toe cleavage -say what??

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Recently I have become acquainted with the phenomenon "Toe Cleavage". I never heard of that before, but apparently it's something that is discussed in different forums on the Internet -hot or not??? I think NOT! Somehow it sounds all wrong in my ears to put Toe and Cleavage in the same sentence. There is definitely nothing sexy about that kind of cleavage!! However, the famous designer, Manolo Blahnik himself, says: You should always show off a little bit of toe cleavage. Not only is it, well, trendy and subtly sexy, but a low-cut shoe also elongates the leg, making it look thinner -- which is the key to How Not to Look Fat in Flats.
Well, you won't be seing any cleavage in my shoes whatsoever...

I know what I said yesterday...

...about not getting obsessed with checking the weather in New York. But I have a history of being followed by bad weather when I'm going on a vacation! A little warmth, a little sunshine, high temperatures, and no rain and coldness... Is that too much to ask for??? I think not... So what the f*** is this???

Never get obsessed with checking the weather before going on vacation

Monday, May 14, 2007

Why is protecting yourself equal to looking stupid?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm not smoking, not even at parties anymore, but still, living and biking around in Copenhagen probably gives me more black lungs, than a heavy smoker from the countryside... Even worse, I live very close to the most polluted area in Copenhagen and I bike along a very high-traffic road on my way to work. So... what can I do? One of my friends bought this mask to protect herself in the traffic, so far the reactions have been laughter, finger pointing and people asking if she had asthma... Her mother also gave her a cycle helmet, but that got a little too spacey for her with both... Anyway, she doesn't wear it that often, I guess Copenhagen is not ready for that yet. I know I'm not. I would prefer polluted lungs to wearing that mask, unfortunately!