Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Bambini -mama is here

Bambini -mama is here

Recently I received this little tomato plant as a gift... It appeared small and weak and I didn't predict it a long future in my home... BUT! Not only did it grow strongly and survived eight hot days directly in the sun with no water, furthermore it has totally delivered the goods in the shape of small, green tomatoes!! Mama is so proud... and takes all the credit despite the fact, that I would SOOO have lost custody, if there were any vegetable social services...
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At 03 June, 2007 12:43, Blogger Hovesan said...

haha in case your "children" die get a cactus instead - I can recomend it having experienced all sort of plants giving into a slow but certain death


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