Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Why is protecting yourself equal to looking stupid?

Why is protecting yourself equal to looking stupid?

I'm not smoking, not even at parties anymore, but still, living and biking around in Copenhagen probably gives me more black lungs, than a heavy smoker from the countryside... Even worse, I live very close to the most polluted area in Copenhagen and I bike along a very high-traffic road on my way to work. So... what can I do? One of my friends bought this mask to protect herself in the traffic, so far the reactions have been laughter, finger pointing and people asking if she had asthma... Her mother also gave her a cycle helmet, but that got a little too spacey for her with both... Anyway, she doesn't wear it that often, I guess Copenhagen is not ready for that yet. I know I'm not. I would prefer polluted lungs to wearing that mask, unfortunately!
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