Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: March 2007

Hello Spring!

Monday, March 26, 2007

YES!! Spring has for sure arrived in Copenhagen. You can see it in the smiling faces of people everywhere. How can anyone NOT be happy today? I love this season. It's the beginning of several of months buzzing with outdoor activities and hopefully lots of sun.

I also loved this little red air balloon, that passed me on my way home from work... It must have been a nice view. A nice way to kick start Spring. Last year me and my friend Hovesan kick started same season with an outdoor bike-bar-crawl around Copenhagen's beach/dock/harbor bars and joints...
Okay, funny coincidence. As I publish this post, I go straight to Hovesan's blog to see, if she has published something recently... And she has simultaneous written a post about Spring.
By the way, it's my mom and her boyfriend to the left...

Spending the weekend in the summerhouse

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My friend Scary on the bike to the harbour for fish fillets
and ice-cream.

Me on the bike to the harbour for fish fillets and ice-cream.

Uhmmm. The ocean. Still way to cold for swimming, but
very relaxing to listen to the sound of the waves.

Playing Trivial Pursuit. I WON!!!!

Wine, cigarettes and girl talk...

"We sat in front of the fire and listened to classical music".
(example from the dictionary). Well we didn't listen to
classical music, but Michael Bublé...

Sitting in the garden drinking wine until late.

The trees in the garden...

A slightly manipulated photo of Dex Dexter

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Check out my Guestbook!

Uhmmm... massage

Though this couch reminds me a bit of the electric chair on this photo, mainly due to the surroundings , it is indeed everything but!!! It's as close to the real thing as it gets, and I'm sure there is a little thai person hidden in the back of the chair.
I can highly recommend it...

Watch Borat as a Baywatch star!!

I love the detail at the end, where he shoots -it's sooo Hollywood over the top!!

The (I)Pod Hotel

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yesterday we discovered, that our gently hand-picked Hotel turned out to be "A hooker hangout pretending to be a hotel, the perfect crime scene for Law & Order" (one of the reviews said)... another one wrote about bedbugs and rooms rented by the hour...
Okay, I must admit that the price was one of (if not THE) main reason for picking that Hotel, so today we started all over looking for another place to stay. Only to discover that many of the good and "cheap" hotels were already booked!!!! PANIC! Anyway, we ended up booking "the Queen"-room (I like the sound of that) at the Pod Hotel.

The Big Apple

Monday, March 19, 2007

YES! As you may have guessed, we're going to Nuevo York... It's my first time.

So far we have booked the tickets and now we're trying to navigate in the jungle of hotels... As you can see above, we have gently hand-picked three hotels, that all look very nice and have alomst the same standard and style.

I think we'll definitely go for the Comfort and Convenience Hotel at the bottom... And I'll like to underline that it has nothing to do with the fact, that it's 1/5th the price... ;o)

New York New York

Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today (18th of May actually)
I want to be a part of it
New York, New York

These vagabond shoes
Are longing to stray
Right through
the very heart of it
New York, New York

I wanna wake up in a city
That doesn't sleep
And find I'm king of the hill
Top of the heap

These little town blues
Are melting a way
I'll make a brand-new start of it
In old New York

If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you
New York, New York

New York, New York
I want to wake up
In a city that never sleeps
And find I'm a number one, top of the lis
King of the hill, a number one

These little town blues
Are melting a way
I'm gonna make a brand-new start of it
In old New York

And... if I can make it there
I'm gonna make it anywhere
It's up to you
New York, New York

Find Lyrics yourself


Thursday, March 15, 2007

New location at work

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yesterday my company moved location. We moved into a newly renovated printing hall. Very light and large. We will in the future be two different editorial teams together in the same hall, and I think it will be great, when everything is in place. There is a bit of New York to the location (though I have never been there... but I'm actually going in May, I got the tickets yesterday)...

King's Garden

The other day I passed the wonderful Kings Garden in Copenhagen on my way to celebrate a friends 30th Birthday. It smelled of Spring and twilight, and I just had to immortalize the moment by taking a few photos... After having used the last memory on my mobile with photos taken through the bars (because I thought the garden was closed) I started to move on -only to discover that only 1 meter further on, the door was open... nice! And very characteristic for me...

Girls night out...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Being a little tipsy with a friend late friday night, I couldn't resist being photographed on this policeman's BIG bike, when I saw him standing all alone on the street... Because of the fuss about the "Ungdomshuset" the police has been working non-stop in my neighbourhood lately... but friday evening didn't look too busy...

My friend is powernapping on the sofa... ... End of party!!!

The sorry remains of "Ungdomshuset"

It's now more than a week ago that the police cleared "Ungdomshuset" at Nørrebro, and after a number of demonstrations, vandalization and fights between the police and the autonomous, all there is left of it, is an empty, but very well-visited, building site. It has lots of graffiti, flowers, banners, letters, teddy bears, mourning autonomous, and of cause curious people, who had to see with their own eyes, that "Ungdomshuset" is really gone.
I was not a user of the house, but I'm also sad that it's gone. I like diversity in my neighbourhood and "Ungdomshuset" definitely contributed to that... I hope the young ones will keep "fighting" for a new house, but without causing criminal damage...