Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: Hello Spring!

Hello Spring!

YES!! Spring has for sure arrived in Copenhagen. You can see it in the smiling faces of people everywhere. How can anyone NOT be happy today? I love this season. It's the beginning of several of months buzzing with outdoor activities and hopefully lots of sun.

I also loved this little red air balloon, that passed me on my way home from work... It must have been a nice view. A nice way to kick start Spring. Last year me and my friend Hovesan kick started same season with an outdoor bike-bar-crawl around Copenhagen's beach/dock/harbor bars and joints...
Okay, funny coincidence. As I publish this post, I go straight to Hovesan's blog to see, if she has published something recently... And she has simultaneous written a post about Spring.
By the way, it's my mom and her boyfriend to the left...
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At 27 March, 2007 02:39, Blogger Hovesan said...

Hehe what are the chances?! niiiice as Borat would say!


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