Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: The sorry remains of "Ungdomshuset"

The sorry remains of "Ungdomshuset"

It's now more than a week ago that the police cleared "Ungdomshuset" at Nørrebro, and after a number of demonstrations, vandalization and fights between the police and the autonomous, all there is left of it, is an empty, but very well-visited, building site. It has lots of graffiti, flowers, banners, letters, teddy bears, mourning autonomous, and of cause curious people, who had to see with their own eyes, that "Ungdomshuset" is really gone.
I was not a user of the house, but I'm also sad that it's gone. I like diversity in my neighbourhood and "Ungdomshuset" definitely contributed to that... I hope the young ones will keep "fighting" for a new house, but without causing criminal damage...
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