Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: The (I)Pod Hotel

The (I)Pod Hotel

Yesterday we discovered, that our gently hand-picked Hotel turned out to be "A hooker hangout pretending to be a hotel, the perfect crime scene for Law & Order" (one of the reviews said)... another one wrote about bedbugs and rooms rented by the hour...
Okay, I must admit that the price was one of (if not THE) main reason for picking that Hotel, so today we started all over looking for another place to stay. Only to discover that many of the good and "cheap" hotels were already booked!!!! PANIC! Anyway, we ended up booking "the Queen"-room (I like the sound of that) at the Pod Hotel.
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At 10 November, 2008 14:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.


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