Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: August 2007

This is such a huge shocker!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

I was very sad to read the today's news... One of the best comic actors, Owen Wilson, has tried to commit suicide. All though comedians not necessarily are the happiest people in real life, I cannot believe it. I'm so glad his brother found him in time. Jesus, I'm hoping to watch so much more funny movies with him in the future, so Owen, please get well soon....

My slideshow

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another post about dogs

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Recently I got two new friends -Ejnar and Pølse (Pølse means sausage, I guess you can figure out by looking at the photos, which one is Pølse)... Pølse was really lazy, but when it came to food, it turned into an eager little tracker dog that would detect anything in a large area. Ejnar, on the other hand, was an energetic and nervous little wrack, that speeded unstoppable around on it's extremely skinny little legs... Dogs are such a laugh!

Summetime in Copenhagen 2...

Monday, August 20, 2007

During Spring most tabloids have had several of front covers of half-naked girls on the beach, predicting an awesome summer -they do that every year, to put breasts on the cover, because that's selling newspapers, but never have they been sooo wrong! Except for a few days with sun and high temperatures, it has been dark and rainful for weeks. These photos above pretty much summarize the weather. Luckily my friend has a car, so we cruised around one Saturday afternoon watching wet people and drinking smoothies -not too bad actually!!

Summertime in Copenhagen...

Recently I passed "Bryggen" on my bike, the weather was great and these guys were about to jump in the harbour! I don't know how high the bridge is, but it sure looked higher standing on top of it, watching the guys jump, than watching the photos afterwards... Though it looked fun, I wouldn't do it (I did my bungy-jump many years ago, so let's just say I've been there, done that, and never doing anything like that again!). Another thing, last time I watched some other guys jumping from the same bridge, they got quite a fine, as a couple of policemen waited for them, when they got back on the bridge...

Dex Dexter's Quote of the Day

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Simpsonize me!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

If I were a Simpson, this would be what I looked like... Check it out

Jessica the hippo

Thursday, August 2, 2007

This is cute... A tame and affectionate hippo. It reminds me about a tame moose from Sweden, that I once read about. Suddenly Topper and Viggo from "Otto er et næsehorn" (they paint a rhino on the wall with a magic pen, it comes alive and they keep it in their flat as a pet) seem like two very normal boys...


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is good news! I haven't really watched TV the last two weeks, so I totally overlooked the one thing, that can totally influence the next 24 Mondays of my life!! The 6th season of 24 Hours is being kick started this Sunday evening with no less than two episodes, followed closely with the 3rd episode the next day!! Apart from the fact that Jack is now saving the Universe (nothing less), I'm looking so much forward to it... is this actually a good enough reason to replace my old TV with a new flat screen TV??

I like this feminine drawing...

The strokes are so slender and brittle and the colours so delicate. The only thing I don't like is this: why didn't I make that drawing?? I found it on Davines website, which, by the way, is not the most user-friendly I've come across...