Won't it just knock their socks off when they find out... I'm a Carrington.: What twisted mind came up with this idea??

What twisted mind came up with this idea??

I never really liked pork, it tastes like the smell of a pigsty, and that ain't good! To make bad worse, someone apparently tried to make it look more appetizing (or stupid, so that you would forget about the bad taste) by boring a stick all the way through it's fat body from mouth to ass and hang it over a grill. Apparently it's the delicious way to serve it at get-togethers today, but it certainly doesn't make my mouth water, at all!
I always considered pigs to be very funny animals to watch with lots of personality, and it deserves a more worthy way to end it's life than being humiliated like that. The least we could do is cover up it's face so it won't be recognized... However, looking at the top photo, I sense that there is more to it's quirky little smile and it's eyes screwed up tightly, than we think, so maybe it got the last word afterall...

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At 07 October, 2007 16:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, den der gris med bjælke for øjnene er SÅ forbudt :o) ...hilsner fra 7500happyness


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